Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Speed Up Wordpress Site



GTMetrix scoring system became multiple times tougher, I am still going to use it for comparison results but can no longer offer score guarantees. Read FAQ.

Is your WordPress site slow?

The most important factor most search engines consider is website speed? 

Fast website also means higher rankings.

I will optimize your website by:

  • Reducing TTFB by enabling Page caching
  • Minifying & Combining CSS, JS and HTML 
  • Optimizing all images without quality loss
  • Enable WebP (Even when behind Cloudflare)
  • Setting Expiry Headers and enabling Gzip
  • Scaling & resizing oversized images
  • Lazy Loading of YouTube/Vimeo videos, images, iframes and external resources*
  • Upgrading PHP Version to 7.X (ensuring compatibility included)
  • Enable CloudFlare or similar CDN for your site to enhance response time for static content

Your pages will be FASTER & SMALLER.

Rest assured that the look and functionality of your pages won't be affected in any way.

Let's face it no one likes a slow website. Think of how many times you left a site because it was too slow?

* Lazy loading of external resources (GTag, FB Pixel, Live chats) requires additional coding and is available only in STARTER & DOER package.



Where do I even start? Luka was phenomenal from start to finish. Solved all of my issues with my 2 sites, and migrated me over to another server. Let me tell you - this is maybe my 5th person hired from fiverr, and he is by far the best. I won't even bother going to anyone else in the future. He might be a bit more expensive than what I have paid for on previous gigs, but you DO get what you pay for. Great job Luka - you are so talented.


Luke, is a true technical expert who actually explains what he can and cannot do with your site and what the results will be and he also gives you future tips if you feel the need to do more. He was able to do what other folks had been unable to do in the past. Previously i had tried some other folks to speed up my site and all they did was simply install a caching plug in, tick a few boxes and that was it. The results were pitiful and one guy even infected my site with malware which Luke discovered and removed for me free of charge. If you want a proper result you will have to pay a bit more and with Luke it was worth every penny!


There are developers and there is Luka. I hired him to speed up my website and the results are just mind blowing. Highly recommended!


Very glad to have chosen Lukas for this job. He did the work effectively, quickly, and seamlessly. Provided thorough explanations of what he did and what I should do to maintain the results in the future, and promptly answered all my questions. I would unreservedly recommend this gig over similar, cheaper ones of other sellers.


Luka is a miracle worker! His response time and communication were excellent, and I was impressed with his detailed review of my site's trouble spots. He completed the work quickly and efficiently. I honestly can't believe how fast my site is compared to how it was before. Thank you!!!

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